Fraudsters cunningly get hold of your credit information and other documents which aid them in identity theft. As a matter of fact, in order to avoid being a victim of identity theft, always make sure you have your originals with you. Apart from that, do keep an eye out on those documents which you carelessly throw in dustbins.
Online casinos and video slots are 99% innocent when it comes to your financial security. If you don't really "read" your emails and senders then you are much likely to click any link which looks familiar to your casino. Later, you will be inputting information in the affiliated unsecure webpage, about your credentials.
You might receive an email from fraudsters which will look like this
"Dear Mr. Ms. XYZ, as per our online casino policies, we are making our security measures strong. You are required to resubmit your credit card and other information by clicking the link below"
If you haven't been careful enough, then you are obviously done for the day. Rule of thumb says that you keep your eyes peeping out for the "lock" icon under your browser. Online casinos has the most popular games would never really scam you in any case. But it is your job to finish your side of the deal in an amicable fashion.